Search results for ' Alfred University'

'Demonetisation is theft'

'Demonetisation is theft'

Rediff.com8 Feb 2017

'Demonetisation, is in principal, a mistake, because it involves a theft -- a taking of private property by the State.' 'It is one of those bad Indian ideas that has been tried twice in the past, with two failures for the record books.' 'This cloud over the economy will probably remain as long as Modi is in power.'

Sex and the City: The Morocco connection

Sex and the City: The Morocco connection

Rediff.com21 Oct 2010

Romantic landscapes. Enchanting souks. Affable people. Bollywood. In a special series, Arthur J Pais takes a magical, mystery tour of Morocco.

American Paul Krugman wins Economics Nobel

American Paul Krugman wins Economics Nobel

Rediff.com13 Oct 2008

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on Monday announced that American Paul Krugman has won the Nobel economics prize "for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity."

Time for better sense to prevail

Time for better sense to prevail

Rediff.com9 Mar 2016

'The BJP should avoid escalating every local issue and minor provocation into a national crisis and claiming a 'holier than thou' monopoly on patriotism.' 'And the Opposition should avoid paying the government back in the same coin by crying wolf about intolerance at the slightest provocation.'

Abe's visit to Pearl Harbour goes beyond symbolism

Abe's visit to Pearl Harbour goes beyond symbolism

Rediff.com28 Dec 2016

The Japanese prime minister's visit to the memorial in Hawaii, the spot that was bombed 75 years ago, shows that it is possible for two powerful former enemies to transcend recriminatory impulses, observes Rajaram Panda.

Men are different when it comes to sex

Men are different when it comes to sex

Rediff.com22 Apr 2008

What one man finds sexually desirous, another may not, finds a new study which turns on its head the theory that the same things tend to turn men on. Read on to learn more.

Men are different when it comes to sex

Men are different when it comes to sex

Rediff.com16 Apr 2008

What one man finds sexually desirous, another may not, finds a new study which turns on its head the theory that the same things tend to turn men on. According to the study, conducted by researchers at the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indiana University finds that men report a variety of different experiences involving sexual desire and arousal.

'I go to India and every time people go 'Ah Diee Haard''

'I go to India and every time people go 'Ah Diee Haard''

Rediff.com28 Apr 2016

Jeremy Irons considered maths 'very boring' till he read G H Hardy's A Mathematician's Apology. The actor, who plays the British mathematician in The Man Who Knew Infinity, talks numbers, acting and his legacy with Aseem Chhabra/

Did Marx chronic skin disease shape his theory?

Did Marx chronic skin disease shape his theory?

Rediff.com31 Oct 2007

Father of communism Karl Marx, who complained of excruciating boils, suffered from a "chronic skin disease" with psychological effects such as self-loathing and alienation that may well have influenced his writings.

US, China flayed for Copenhagen fiasco

US, China flayed for Copenhagen fiasco

Rediff.com23 Dec 2009

Terming the outcome of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen as an abject failure, scientists and environmental groups have blamed the US and China for blocking a legally binding treaty on reducing global warming.

Viva Kerala recruit three Ghanaians

Viva Kerala recruit three Ghanaians

Rediff.com11 Jun 2007

All the three were members of Ghanian club 'Hearts of Oak'.

The Spell of Sylvia Dyer

The Spell of Sylvia Dyer

Rediff.com26 Aug 2016

Sylvia Dyer's life began nearly 90 years ago in a forgotten, untamed land. She spent her childhood on a plantation on the Bihar-Nepal border in pre-Independent India, lived through the '65 war as the wife of a decorated army officer and saw an era grow and fade in front of her eyes.

Peace Nobel for Bangladesh's micro-credit pioneer

Peace Nobel for Bangladesh's micro-credit pioneer

Rediff.com13 Oct 2006

Muhammad Yunus is the 66-year-old Bangladeshi behind the Grameen Movement micro-banking system.

Edmund Phelps wins Economics Nobel

Edmund Phelps wins Economics Nobel

Rediff.com9 Oct 2006

The Nobel Prize for Economics was awarded to Edmund S. Phelps of the United States, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced on Monday.

Wired up for micro-power

Wired up for micro-power

Rediff.com27 Mar 2009

A microscopic technology capable of generating electricity from human movement such as walking, waving or even blood flowing has been developed by researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology.

After the Obama visit: India, the Swing State

After the Obama visit: India, the Swing State

Rediff.com28 Jan 2015

'As in the Panchatantra tale of the cat and the monkeys, it is possible for the clever swing State to play off the two competing powers.'

The actors Amitabh wants to work with

The actors Amitabh wants to work with

Rediff.com7 Jun 2016

Amitabh Bachchan talks about Te3n, Aaradhya and actors he would love to work with!

The Vatican votes for Charles Darwin

The Vatican votes for Charles Darwin

Rediff.com11 Nov 2005

The Critic Versus The Fanboy: Debating Batman vs Superman

The Critic Versus The Fanboy: Debating Batman vs Superman

Rediff.com4 Apr 2016

Raja Sen hated Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice and debates his reasons with Satyajit Chetri, who totally loved it.

Kydland, Prescott win Economics Nobel

Kydland, Prescott win Economics Nobel

Rediff.com11 Oct 2004

The 2004 Nobel Prize for Economics was jointly won by Finn E Kydland of Norway and Edward C Prescott of the United States on Monday.

A 'lost world' of the Arctic ocean

A 'lost world' of the Arctic ocean

Rediff.com25 Jun 2004

The size of Alaska, the steep-sided submarine hole is thought to have been isolated from the surrounding ocean for millions of years.

This Ford has more on his mind than cars

This Ford has more on his mind than cars

Rediff.com10 Dec 2015

'My great grandfather Henry Ford would have been very happy with the lifestyle I am leading and the things I believe in.' He's a servant of god. A temple builder. Manu Shah meets the Ford who spreads word about the glories of Krishna.

Chinese New Year predictions for you!

Chinese New Year predictions for you!

Rediff.com18 Feb 2015

On the occasion of Chinese New Year, we bring you a look at what 2015, the Year of the Sheep has in store for you!

Children's Day Quiz: Can you identify these prodigies?

Children's Day Quiz: Can you identify these prodigies?

Rediff.com13 Nov 2014

Did you know the world's youngest director is an Indian?

Why aren't kids watching films made for them?

Why aren't kids watching films made for them?

Rediff.com9 Sep 2008

If our kids want Mallika more than Malgudi, there's clearly something very, very wrong.

No retirement age for Asia's billionaires

No retirement age for Asia's billionaires

Rediff.com15 Jan 2008

Asia's elderly dynamos aren't under as much pressure to step down as are their U.S. counterparts, but they'll eventually need successors.

Need sex education?

Need sex education?

Rediff.com18 Nov 2004

Irfan Khan goes to Hollywood

Irfan Khan goes to Hollywood

Rediff.com7 Nov 2003

On economic theory and policies

On economic theory and policies

Rediff.com1 Sep 2004

India's Smart Power in the US

India's Smart Power in the US

Rediff.com19 Jan 2011

'As India's involvement in the growth of the US deepens, the search for the soul of India gains momentum. India's smart power gets projected in the US in very many ways.'

'Zayed's smile can floor anybody'

'Zayed's smile can floor anybody'

Rediff.com20 Mar 2003

Drucker for dummies

Drucker for dummies

Rediff.com14 Mar 2006

'I didn't know of a single outspoken gay person'

'I didn't know of a single outspoken gay person'

Rediff.com7 Jul 2010

Debutante author Rahul Mehta tells Abhishek Mande how being gay Indian American has shaped his worldview and contributed to his first book.

V Ramakrishnan is India Abroad Person of the Year

V Ramakrishnan is India Abroad Person of the Year

Rediff.com6 Mar 2010

Given his tremendous achievement -- only seven Indians and people of Indian-origin have been honoured with a Nobel Prize -- it was no surprise that, even during a year of exceptional achievement by members of the Indian-American community, Dr Ramakrishnan would be named India Abroad Person of the Year 2009.

Who will win 2003 Nobel Prizes?

Who will win 2003 Nobel Prizes?

Rediff.com3 Oct 2003

How The Happening came to M Night Shyamalan

How The Happening came to M Night Shyamalan

Rediff.com9 Jun 2008

His films are loved and hated in equal measure -- but since he broke out with the 1999 blockbuster The Sixth Sense, Hollywood has been unable to ignore M Night Shyamalan's unique cinematic vision. On the eve of the release -- on a Friday the 13th, naturally enough -- of The Happening, Night speaks about scaring people while finding a voice.

Study UK: Is taking the IELTS compulsory?

Study UK: Is taking the IELTS compulsory?

Rediff.com24 Mar 2008

Part 2 of the transcript of the chat with British visa officials.

Spider-Man 2: A must-watch!

Spider-Man 2: A must-watch!

Rediff.com27 Jul 2004

Creating Champions

Creating Champions

Rediff.com16 Jun 2004